Yes, you read it right! This recipe is a total sesamania! It is similar to a Vegetable gold coin recipe but with my Nani’s twist. My Nani lived in Africa for some time before they relocated to India for good. She was a hard-core Swaminarayan, so all her recipes were minus onion and garlic. Since Swaminarayan food option was not easily available at that time, my rockstar Nani used to create these recipes at home. Nani used to love cooking, maybe that is why my mom and I love it too. Oh and of course I wanted to make this healthy-ish so I made this in the air fryer. This recipe is very dear to my family and I hope you all will love it!

Prep Time: 15 mins | Cook Time: 22 mins | Total Time: 37 mins | Yields: 16 pieces.


  • 4 slices of bread
  • 2 potatoes (boiled and mashed)
  • ¼ cup boiled peas 
  • 1 small carrot (grated)
  • 1tsp lemon juice
  • 1tsp green chili paste
  • 1tsp sugar
  • 1tbps garam masala
  • Salt to taste
  • 2tbps cornstarch 
  • water
  • Oil (for greasing the tray and brushing the coins)
  • Sesame for topping the coins


  1. Mix the potatoes, peas, carrots, lemon juice, green chili paste, salt, sugar, and garam masala in a bowl and set aside.
  2. Mix the corn starch and water and make a slurry.
  3. Take some sesame on a plate and keep it aside.
  4. Preheat the Air fryer at 380°F (potato setting) for 22 mins.
  5. Now take the bread and with the help of a small circular lid or a round mold, cut the bread in round coins/disks. 1 slice will make 4 coins.
  6. Now the fun part, with a small scoop spoon, scoop out the mixture and press it on the bread coin. 
  7. Now dip the coin (only the potato part. So, don’t immerse the entire thing in the slurry) in the cornstarch slurry and then dip that in the sesame (this will help all the sesame coat the potato)
  8. Grease the air fryer tray and place the coins on it. Once the air fryer is ready, put the tray in it and cook. 
  9. 15 mins in, take the tray out, and brush the coins with some oil (this is to make sure the coins are not too dry).
  10. Once ready, transfer them to your serving platter and serve it with some green chutney, or ketchup.


  • I used air fryer to make this healthy, but you can also fry them. 
  • I used the Instant Omni Plus air fryer.
  • I used a spice bottle cap to make the coins. It was 1 3/5” round.
  • If you plan on frying them, make sure the oil is hot enough before you put the coins in.

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